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The Day the Earth Stood Still

Posted by Stone Hill Ranch

Well.... so much for my knitting/spinning projects. The boyz came in from trapping the other morning and had frozen tears stuck on their cheeks. "I'M COLD..... MY FACE IS GOING TO CRACK OFF". Now, you have to understand that the 2 boyz in question are 6 and 8 years old and are *avid* trappers-----out by 6am in the morning, regardless of the weather, to check their traps.

I'd been thinking about facemasks for quite awhile but REALLY wanted to focus my efforts on the 'correct' technique for Fair Isle knitting (yep, steeks and all). To make a long story short, I put all other projects down, and began the facemask scarf project. I'll post the pattern below. Now, you have to understand, I'm not a pattern kinda gal..... I knit to dimension, not to a pattern (which is why fair isle is gonna kill me and I don't do cross stitch). The reason I call it the "Scarf Facemask" is b/c the ribbed portion of the mask is quite long and serves as a scarf.

I knit the first mask without any 'doo-dads' just to get a base pattern. Then I began knitting some fair isle on the masks so I could practice the technique. I've done a few fair isle projects in the past..... but broke all the rules :-) The mask is SO incredibly easy to make, albeit, it looks like that creature off 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' haha.

PATTERN: Scarf Facemask
size - small (21" head)

Size 10 - 6" Circular needles (or size needed for guage)
1 set size 10 double points
Guage: 3.5 stitches per inch
Yarn: Well, I had to chew up some of gramma's acrylic stash (a.k.a. GAS) but my kids avoid acrylic like the plague (not warm enuff), so I used a strand of handspun wool and a strand of acrylic.

Cast on 60 stitches (increase co by 4 stitch increments to get larger sizes). K2 P2 ribbing for about 5 inches (this is the scarf portion of the facemask). K in round for 3 inches. Cast off 18 stitches (for the hole), knit to end. Cast on 18 stitches and rejoin. K in round for 4 inches. Switch to double points when it gets too tight. (K2 together every 4 stitches. K one row) 3 times. (K2 together every 3 stitches. K one row) 3 times. Close top of hat.


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