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Project & Anxiety Update

Posted by Stone Hill Ranch

Welp, mom's head hugger is finished... I sure hope she doesn't have to use it. We bought her a wig just in case the chemo/rad treatments zap her hair. The pattern is *super* simple and you could easily crank one out in a few hours.

My mock 'A&F' sweater is coming along nicely as well. I had to reverse the colors b/c I ran out of Shetland. I'm NOT doing the whole STEEK thing (yes, I'm a pansy-ass). You really must look at the rationale behind my NOT wanting to steek:

1.) THE SHEEP: I've raised these sheep from babies, nursed them back to health in rough times, busted open ice so I could haul water from a nearby stream for them, shepherded them back (a few miles) when they tried to 'head for the hills', spent an INCREDIBLE amount of money maintaining them.

2.) THE WOOL: Hubby then carefully removes the wool---NO 2nd cuts and NO crap attached. Then I sort the wool and spend and INORDINATE amount of money getting it processed.

3.) THE WHEEL: Now I spin the wool on my 'lil Kiwi. Then I ply it, then I soak it, then I dry it, then it's onto the swift and ballwinder.

4.) THE NEEDLES: FINALLY, I get to actually knit with the stuff!! YAY :-D

And now I'm supposed to CUT HOLES IN THE blankety-blank SWEATER??? I'm having an anxiety attack just thinking about it. I can just envision me doing this (sweat on my upper lip..... theme song to JAWS in the background) Ok, breathe deep, get centered..... maybey we'll try it on the next sweater... or the next... or the next.


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